Welcome to our HSPT test practice.

Our HSPT test practice

What is on the HSPT test?

There are five sections on the HSPT exam:

  1. Quantitative Skills that consists of 52 questions.
  2. Verbal Skills with 60 questions.
  3. Reading that consists of 62 questions
  4. Mathematics with 64 questions, and
  5. Language that consists of 60 questions.

The HSPT exam consists of roughly 300 multiple-choice questions.

Each question is given three or four answers.


What is the HSPT pass mark?

The HSPT exam is scored on a scaled with 200 being the lowest possible score and 800 being the highest score. However, each school has a different set score as what constitutes as “passing”.


What are the HSPT subtests?

Purpose: This standardized test measures your basic skills and achievement in preparation for high school. Schools will use your results in different ways including assisting with curriculum placement, admissions (typically to private and catholic schools) and scholarships.

Sections: 5 tested areas including verbal skills, quantitative skills, reading comprehension, mathematics and language.

Length: approximately 3 hours.

Format: multiple choice (you will be awarded one point for each correct answer in all sections). Keep in mind there are no deductions for incorrect answers, so try to answer all questions to the best of your ability.


How is the HSPT scored?

Your Composite Score is a total score. It consists of three parts:

  • Total Cognitive Skillswhich includes Verbal and Quantitative subtests.
  • Total Basic Skillswhich include Reading, Math and Language subtests.
  • CompositeScore include Verbal, Quantitative, Reading, Math and Language subtest scores.


Normative Scores are made up of five different types of scores. Your school will decide if and how to use each one:

  • Your National Percentile Rank compares your individual performance with other students at the same grade on a national level. The NPR ranges from 1 to 99.
  • Local Percentile Rank is similar to NPR above. Except it compares your performance to other local students at the same grade.
  • Your Grade Equivalents (GE) will compare your performance with the average performance of students at other grade levels. This score is tricky and can be deceiving.
  • The Cognitive Skills Quotient predicts your future academic performance, replacing the traditional IQ score.
  • Standard Scores (SS) which ranges from 200 to 800.


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