Welcome to our Critical thinking skills feature, focusing on different ways to improve your critical thinking skills.
Want to improve your critical thinking skills?
- Watson Glaser test practice papers
- LNAT critical thinking test practice papers
- 11+ spatial reasoning test practice
- TSA thinking skills past papers.
Our Critical reasoning skills practice
THE BEST free Watson Glaser test practice
and Rob Williams Assessment‘s Watson Glaser tips
Ask ROB (expert test developer) your questions by emailing passedpapers@gmail.com
An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests.
Rob has worked for the school entrance test publishers ISEB and GL – as well as the leading global psychometric test publishers including SHL, Kenexa IBM, MBTI, CAPP and SOVA Assessment.
Example Thinking Skills Assessment Questions
11 plus reasoning test practice
- 11+ non-verbal reasoning test
- 11 plus private school entry
- Improving your team’s digital skills
- 11 plus parents guide
- 13 plus test practice
- 11 plus verbal reasoning
- How to pass 11 plus
- 11 plus Cloze tests
Which skills does the TSA test?
- Problem-solving skills
- Spatial reasoning.
- Numerical reasoning.
- Critical thinking skills.
- Understanding arguments.
- Reasoning with everyday language.
How to get a good Watson Glaser score?
Critical thinking is about logic and applying rationale to every argument that one might have with themselves.
In today’s world, there are so many distractions, so it is even more important for identifying the critical thinking skill level of an individual.
A critical thinker can easily analyze whether some information being provided to them is true to the core or not.
What is the Watson Glaser test?
Watson Glaser is a test used for determining the thinking capability of an individual. This critical thinking assessment provides an analysis of the critical thinking ability and is often used in critical examinations or even in the hiring process in certain companies.
What does the Watson Glaser test look like?
The Glaser test is usually an examination that lasts not more than 30 minutes and the applicants are asked to attempt 40 questions in total.
There are five different areas where the applicants are tested on and they are inference, assumptions, deductions, evaluation, and interpretation.
The questions are multiple choice questions and are usually phrased as true or false statements, where the understanding ability of a participant is determined.
Who is the Watson Glaser test for?
The Watson Glaser test is in continuation for more than 85 years and every employer looks into the insights that the results can provide about an individual.
A resume can have information that can look almost similar to every other one that they get.
That is why in the current days, everybody is turning towards psychometric tests for determining the true potential.
Critical reasoning test practice
- Firstly, our LNAT test practice. and this highly recommended LNAT test prep guide.
- Thirdly, our Watson Glaser Test prep guide and Watson Glaser Test practice guide.
- Then next our Example Thinking Skills Assessment Questions.
- Plus the best guide to passing TSA.
Aptitude test practice
Different Thinking Styles
People have different thinking styles. There has been more research howeer into the different types of intelligence:
- Spearman’s theory – Two-factor theory of intelligence. A generalised intelligence (g-factor) & specialised forms of intelligence (s-factor).
- Sternberg’s theory – Triarchic theory of intelligence. Referring to the ability to Assess, Create or have ‘Street Smarts’.
- Gardner’s theory – Theory of Multiple Intelligence.
Digital Thinking Skills
In fact, almost 12 million people in the UK need to learn the basic digital skills. For life online – as well as for work. So the most valuable digital skills are sought after for all kinds of jobs.
- 82% of all job vacancies require digital skills
- Roles requiring digital skills pay 29% more than those that don’t
- In recent years, the number of digital jobs grew almost three times as quickly as other occupations