Welcome to our Oxbridge admissions test guide.

Oxbridge admissions tests

  • Many courses require the admission test to be done within a certain month of the year.
  • For example by 15th October for business courses in UK-based universities.
  • All applicants should be aware of the fact that the courses they are willing to study come with a requirement for admission tests.
  • The admission test is different from one university to another. For example, the admission test syllabus and rules in Cambridge will be different from the ones at Oxford.

  • Deadline for the UCAS application is by 15th October, 18:00.

  • Applications outside the EU will require a process that needs to be completed by the Cambridge Online Preliminary Application.

Oxbridge admissions tests

Cambridge Admissions tests

Cambridge Admission Assessment
Biomedical Admission Test is also known as BMAT
Sixth Term Examination Paper also known as STEP
Thinking Skills Assessment Cambridge also termed TSA Cambridge
Cambridge Law Test which is to be taken by law students
Finally, there are other courses that are specific to the subject students are studying

University of Oxford Admissions tests

Register separately for sitting the following Oxford admissions exams:

BMAT September and November Sessions – the University of Oxford will only be accepting results from BMAT for A100 and MC98 Biomedical sciences for the month of November 2021. 

Oxford candidates who are applying for the A101 Medicine course may choose the September or November session.

Which university admission test is the best for an Oxbridge applicant take? 

The basic understanding behind admission tests in determining the strength of a particular student over another is based on the questions answered and the personal interview.

Through this scrutiny process, the educational institutions build up a profile of a student, and based on this they create the top applicants. How well a student performs on these tests alongside a personal statement from the applicant’s end is what builds up the image of the individual in the eyes of the university.

Certain colleges offer a particular course better than the other ones through an extensive and tailored syllabus and brilliant faculty.

Oxbridge law degree courses

Things to know before applying for a law course:

Certain universities will require students to take the LNAT which is short for Law National Aptitude Test. Furthermore, while applying for the Cambridge Law school the applicants will have to sit for the Cambridge Law Test. Cambridge is one of the best Law schools in the world next to Harvard in the US.

Oxbridge Maths degree courses

Things to know before applying for a Mathematics Course:

If a student is applying for a mathematics course, then Oxford will be one of the best choices in the UK. The students will have to take the MAT short for Mathematics Admission Test.

There are many other universities, for example, Cambridge that require students to take the STEP examination which is the Sixth Term, Examination Paper. There are no major differences between these examinations, it just varies from one school to another.

Oxbridge medical courses

Medicine is one of the most prominent courses as per the choice of students who have completed their higher secondary degree. There are many options that the students get and one of them is the Biomedical Admission Test which is also known as BMAT.

The Graduate Medical School Admission Test GAMSAT and UCAT or the University Clinical Aptitude Test is a common one among the UK clinical aptitude test that students sit for.

Applying for a medical course at Oxford and Cambridge demands students to sit for the BMAT examinations as well. This admission test is not too hard.