Want to Improve Your Career Resilience Skills?
Career Resilience Skills
Every career breaks down into a series of jobs, each somewhat related to the last.
For successful professionals such roles grow in complexity and so represent career progression.
Your career choices are therefore part of an evolving process, requiring both a dedicated and resilient approach. So, how well is your career resilience supporting your ongoing success?
An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests. He is also the author of five psychometric test design books and has worked for the leading global psychometric test publishers including SHL, Kenexa IBM, MBTI, CAPP and SOVA Assessment.
Career resilience questions to ask yourself
- How well do you manage your career success?
Instead, your career is more of a path you will follow through your life. Your interests might shift, your priorities might change and your opportunities might guide you in a different direction.
“Careers are a jungle gym, not a ladder.”
However, how you approach your career path through the years might be the secret to growing it to something more than a job. There are so many quotes from successful people on career success, opportunities and managing expectations. One thing they all seem to have in common is the importance of doing what you love.
“The only way to do a great job is to love what you do.”
However, there is one aspect of this that might be often overlooked. Doing what we love often results in burn-out. Why? Well if you love it so much you tend to put all your energy and most of your time into the work.
Therefore, even when you love what you do, make sure to strife for balance. However, always strive to do what you love and you’ll love what you do.
For more information on career match and career guidance, have a look at our Career Match. Also, make sure to make use of the many practice tests.
STEM Careers Change
While there is stigma attached to dismissal, unlike redundancy, it happens more often than you might think. Whatever the reasons, and however upsetting the circumstances, it is possible to survive and find new employment. If you’re fired after a series of warnings, poor performance or gross misconduct, you’re likely to know the reason why. Many, many people have been fired without being told the reason why – particularly during recessions. If you know the reasons for your dismissal it may be possible to learn something from the experience, but either way, try not to let it knock your confidence.
Manage your exit
A ranting email to the entire department isn’t advised, but there’s no reason you can’t quietly communicate your departure to colleagues and select clients. Your soon to be ex-colleagues could be useful contacts for your next role and may even provide you with a reference, so leave on good terms whenever possible.
What to say at interview
It may be tempting to fudge the issue of your dismissal on your CV, application forms and at interview – but honesty is the best policy.
Finding your next job
If you’re finding it hard to secure a permanent job, temporary work may the answer.
This will give you a new reference, another role to discuss at interview and will keep you motivated. Plus, temp agencies are less likely to be worried about why you left your last role.
Our free skills assessment designs
- Firstly, some examples of our top situational judgment test designs.
- Secondly, Rob Williams Assessment‘s top aptitude test design projects.
- Plus, our EI skills assessment designs and employability skills designs.
- And then next, our top bespoke personality assessment design projects.
- Also, our bespoke skills test designs and school assessment designs.
We also design reasoning skills tests and 21st Century skills assessment designs and leadership skills assessments.
In fact, here is some examples of our top bespoke psychometric test design projects.