We are skills assessment design experts both nationally and internationally! Including test equivalence for international test versions.

How to establish test equivalence when creating international test

First, it is vital to adopt a rigorous process to establish test equivalence for any international test version. The goal is to ensure that the assessments are comparable across different contexts, countries, and administrations. Here are some key steps in establishing test equivalence:

International Test Development

  • So, begin by creating high-quality test items and assessments. Test developers follow strict guidelines to create items that are fair, unbiased, and relevant to the intended learning outcomes.


Item Banking

Yes, international Test items are compiled into item banks, which are repositories of test questions. These item banks contain a wide range of items covering different topics, difficulty levels, and item types.

Piloting international Tests

  • Test items and assessments are pilot-tested with a diverse group of students in different countries and contexts. This helps identify any potential biases or issues with the items and ensures that they are suitable for international use.


  • Item Analysis to evaluate the performance of each test item. This analysis includes statistics like item difficulty and discrimination, which help determine how well each item assesses the intended constructs.
  • Equating Studies to ensure that test scores from different test forms or administrations are comparable. Cambridge Assessment conducts equating studies to establish score equivalence across different versions of the same test.
  • Standardization Samples are carefully selected groups of students who take the test under controlled conditions. These samples are used to set score scales and norms, allowing for meaningful score interpretation.
  • Cross-Cultural Analysis to ensure the cultural and linguistic fairness of test items and ensures that items are suitable for diverse populations. This includes considering translation and adaptation of assessments for different languages and cultures.
  • Expert Review: Experts in the field of education and assessment review the test content and its alignment with international standards to ensure its quality and relevance.
  • Ongoing research to monitor the performance of all international assessments and make necessary adjustments to maintain test equivalence over time.
  • Feedback from test-takers, educators, and schools to continually improve the quality and relevance of its assessments.

By following these rigorous steps and maintaining a commitment to fairness, one ensures that the assessments provide reliable and valid measures of student performance, regardless of the country or context in which they are administered.

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