Welcome to our SATs key stage 1 practice papers and other SATs practice papers. Every SAT past paper is for home learning and so is free to download.

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Our SATs key stage 1 practice papers

Downloadable KS1 SATs papers

Here are free to download KS1 SATs English Reading papers KS1 SATs. Downloadable KS1 SATs English Booklets, KS1 English Answer Booklets and English KS1 Marking Schemes.

KS1 SATs English Past Papers.

Downloadable KS1 SATs Maths Booklets, KS1 Maths Answer Booklets and Maths KS1 Marking Schemes.

Maths KS1 SATs Past Papers


Here’s free to download Key Stage 1 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling KS1 SATs papers.

past KS1 papers Grammar, spelling and punctuation.


SATs practice papers Key Stage 2

What is Key Stage 2?

This covers a child’s time in year 3, year 4, year 5 and year 6. Sometimes the years of Key Stage 2 are divided into:

  • Lower KS2 (LKS2) – years 3 and 4
  • Upper KS2 (UKS2) – years 5 and 6 (formerly known as ‘Juniors’).

Use our KS2 resource collections to supplement your teaching of Years 3 through 6. At the end of Key Stage 2, year 6 are tested within Maths, English and Science in SATs exams, and since 2016 given a scaled score for these.

Which age groups take this Key Stage?

In this key stage, children are usually ages between 7 and 11 years old. They are usually ages 7 and 8 in year 3, aged 8 and 9 in year 4, aged 9 and 10 in year 5 and ages 10 and 11 in year 6.

SATs key stage 1 practice papers and KS1 SATs practice tests.

Key Stage one SATs tests and SATs key stage 1 past papers.