Creativity, as a set of skills in the workplace, involves the ability to generate innovative ideas, think outside the box, and apply novel solutions to problems. It’s a valuable asset for enhancing productivity, problem-solving, and staying competitive in today’s dynamic business landscape.

The key creativity skills

  1. Idea Generation: Creative individuals can brainstorm creatively, explore different possibilities, and produce novel concepts or solutions to challenges.
  2. Critical Thinking: Creative thinkers can evaluate and analyze ideas and concepts critically.
  3. Open-Mindedness: Creative individuals are open-minded and receptive to new ideas and perspectives. They are not constrained by preconceived notions and are willing to challenge traditional thinking.
  4. Problem-Solving: Creative thinkers approach problems with a fresh perspective, looking for unconventional solutions and using their creativity to overcome obstacles.

more creativity skills

  1. Adaptability: Creativity fosters adaptability. Individuals with these skills can quickly adapt to new information, technologies, and changing circumstances.
  2. Innovation: Creative individuals can combine existing ideas or concepts in novel ways, leading to innovative products, services, or processes that give their organizations a competitive edge.
  3. Collaboration: Creative individuals contribute unique ideas, foster a culture of innovation, and inspire their colleagues to think creatively.
  4. Effective Communication: Creativity skills include the ability to communicate complex ideas and concepts effectively. Creative thinkers can convey their innovative thoughts clearly to others.
  5. Risk-Taking: Creative individuals are not afraid to explore uncharted territories or experiment with new approaches, even if there’s uncertainty about the outcome.

even more creativity assessments

  1. Continuous Learning: Creativity promotes a culture of continuous learning. Creative individuals are eager to expand their knowledge and skills, seeking opportunities for growth and development.
  2. Adoption of Technology: In today’s digital age, creativity often includes the ability to adopt and adapt to new technologies and tools. These can enhance efficiency and productivity in the workplace.
  3. Decision-Making: Creative individuals are skilled at evaluating the potential impact of creative solutions and selecting the most promising ones.
  4. Flexibility: Creativity is associated with flexibility. Creative individuals can adjust their strategies and approaches when necessary, adapting to changing circumstances or feedback.

Assessing creativity skills

  1. Visualization: Creative thinkers often use visualization techniques to conceptualize ideas and solutions. They can mentally picture concepts and scenarios, aiding in the development of innovative solutions.
  2. Embracing Failure: Creativity encourages an acceptance of failure as part of the learning process. Creative individuals are not discouraged by setbacks and view them as opportunities for growth and refinement.
  3. Cross-Disciplinary Thinking: Creative individuals can draw from various disciplines and fields, combining insights and approaches from different domains to create innovative solutions.

creativity skills assessment

In summary, creativity as a set of skills includes idea generation, critical thinking, open-mindedness, problem-solving, adaptability, innovation, collaboration, effective communication, risk-taking, continuous learning, technology adoption, decision-making, flexibility, visualization, embracing failure, and cross-disciplinary thinking.

Cultivating these skills fosters a culture of innovation, enhances problem-solving abilities, and empowers individuals to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing work environment.

Welcome to our feature on, How to assess creativity skills.

How can creativity skills be assessed?

There’s four core creativity skills, which taken together can define the creative process:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Open-Mindedness
  3. Imagination
  4. Problem Solving
  • As skills for life, learning and work, and a higher order thinking skill, creativity skills are a responsibility of all. However without a clear understanding of what creativity skills are it can be difficult to recognise them and develop them.
  • Sometimes people assume creativity is only about the expressive arts and whilst the permission to be creative has always sat well within these subjects,
  • Creativity skills can be developed across all subjects and sectors and at any stage,.
  • Research also tells us that different subjects define creativity very differently, and that men and women typically hold different definitions to each other.


From Rob Williams Assessment

– the Gifted education and educational assessment specialists.