Our free test CAT4 samples for every pupil age


CAT4 prep recommendations

Our freely available CAT4 resources and premium CAT4 practice tests help focus students on passing the GL Assessment CAT4 test:

Our FREE  CAT4 practice test resources

Mosaic’s free CAT4 skills resources

Have a CAT4 question?

Rob Williams

Feel free to contact our Founder, Rob Williams, who is a specialist CAT4 test designer.

An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests.

He is also the author of five psychometrics books and has worked for the  school entrance test publishers ISEB, Hodder and GL Assessment, the CAT4 publisher.

free school entrance exam practice

school entrance guides

Private London Schools Guide

Westminster Private School Entrance Exams

CEM 11 plus papers

London Private Sixth Forms

NWEA MAP Reading test

Critical Thinking Skills LNAT Test

GCSE pass marks

London 11 plus exams

Private London Secondary Schools

A-Level Results Day


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