Welcome to our resilience skills training FREE DOWNLOADS:
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- FREE DOWNLOAD of Increasing Resilience Workbook
- Increasing Resilience training slidedeck
- Increasing Resilience extract from the Psychological Manager book’s Resilience Skills extract. Many thanks to author Pete Storr.
Resilience Skills Exercise 1
Think about a stressful or challenging situation you are experiencing (or have experienced) at work
What impact does (or did) it have on you? Your team? Your home life? |
How does (did) it make you feel? What do (did) you notice physically? |
Exercise: in relation to that specific stressful situation or challenge you are facing or faced. . .
How else might you view this problem?
1. 2. 3. |
Resilience Skills Exercise 2
In relation to that challenging situation . . .
What beliefs are you telling yourself? Do (or did) they help or hinder you? |
- What is the issue or challenge?
- What would success or a solution look like?
- What is the end goal from this session?
- What is the ultimate end goal for the issue or challenge?
- When do I want to achieve a solution by?
- How will I know I have been successful?
- How can I measure progress along the way?
- What is the current situation as I see it?
- What actions have I tried so far?
- What was the outcome? How do I know?
- What haven’t I tried?
- What has stopped me from trying this?
- What would be the impact on me? Others? The situation?
- Who else could help me?
- What could I do to solve the problem?
- What else? (ad infinitum . . .)
- What would I do if I had no restrictions?
- How real are those restrictions? Could I find a way round them?
- What have I seen elsewhere?
- Who do I know that is good at this? What can I learn from them?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of my options?
Resilience Skills Wrap-up
- Which option(s) am I going to choose?
- Why?
- What is the first step?
- When am I going to start?
- How will this (or these) help meet the original Goal?
- What might get in the way and how can I prevent this?
- What support might help me?
Thinking Habit | What I might say | Challenge |
Catastrophising | e.g. This mistake means that I am going to lose my job | e.g. is that really likely to happen? What is your evidence for that? What is the worst that could happen? What good things have also happened? |
Generalising | ||
Judging | ||
Mind-reading | ||
Predicting the future |
Resilience Skills Habits
New habit: what do you want to achieve? Why? Is it a “moving towards” goal or an “avoidance” goal? Should it be broken down into smaller sub-goals? How will you keep motivation up? Who might help you?
Specific: what will you be doing when you achieve it? What might someone observe?
Measurable: how will you know whether you are being successful? How will you chart your progress?
Achievable: is it too hard? Is it too easy? How can you ensure it is “just right”?
Relevant: how can you make this goal integrate to the rest of your life?
Time-bound: what target have you set? What milestones along the way will help you monitor progress?
Gaining Support
Who gives you energy? | Who drains you? |
who do you know will support you? |
who is a critical friend? |
who are your mentors? |
who are your positive role models? |
who helps you keep a sense of perspective? |
Resilience Skills Further Reading
Burnett, D. (2016). The Idiot Brain. Guardian Books and Faber & Faber
Covey, S.R. (2004). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. FranklinCovey
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. London: HarperCollins Publishers
Eagleman, D. (2016). The Brain; the Story of You. Canongate Books
Grenville-Cleave, B. (2012). Positive Psychology. Icon books
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow.Penguin
Peters, S. (2012). The Chimp Paradox.Ebury Publishing Ltd
Rock, D. (2009). Your Brain at Work. New York; HarperCollins
Seligman, M. (1990). Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life. Free Press
Storr, P (2012). The Psychological Manager; Improve your Performance Conversations. Lulu Press
Storr, P (2017). The Psychological Manager; Change: increasing resilience through transition. Lulu Press
Storr, W. (2013). The Heretics; Adventures with the Enemies of Science. Picador
Webb, L. (2013). Resilience. Capstone
Wellford, C., & Sykes, J. (2015). Staying Sane in Business.Sixth Sense Publishing.