Resilience Skills Exercise 1

Think about a stressful or challenging situation you are experiencing (or have experienced) at work

What impact does (or did) it have on you? Your team? Your home life?
How does (did) it make you feel? What do (did) you notice physically?

Exercise: in relation to that specific stressful situation or challenge you are facing or faced. . .

How else might you view this problem?




Resilience Skills Exercise 2

In relation to that challenging situation . . .

What beliefs are you telling yourself? Do (or did) they help or hinder you?


  • What is the issue or challenge?
  • What would success or a solution look like?
  • What is the end goal from this session?
  • What is the ultimate end goal for the issue or challenge?
  • When do I want to achieve a solution by?
  • How will I know I have been successful?
  • How can I measure progress along the way?


  • What is the current situation as I see it?
  • What actions have I tried so far?
  • What was the outcome? How do I know?
  • What haven’t I tried?
  • What has stopped me from trying this?
  • What would be the impact on me? Others? The situation?
  • Who else could help me?


  • What could I do to solve the problem?
  • What else? (ad infinitum . . .)
  • What would I do if I had no restrictions?
  • How real are those restrictions? Could I find a way round them?
  • What have I seen elsewhere?
  • Who do I know that is good at this? What can I learn from them?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of my options?

Resilience Skills Wrap-up

  • Which option(s) am I going to choose?
  • Why?
  • What is the first step?
  • When am I going to start?
  • How will this (or these) help meet the original Goal?
  • What might get in the way and how can I prevent this?
  • What support might help me?
Thinking Habit What I might say Challenge
Catastrophising e.g. This mistake means that I am going to lose my job e.g. is that really likely to happen? What is your evidence for that? What is the worst that could happen? What good things have also happened?
Predicting the future

Resilience Skills Habits

New habit: what do you want to achieve? Why? Is it a “moving towards” goal or an “avoidance” goal? Should it be broken down into smaller sub-goals? How will you keep motivation up? Who might help you?

Specific: what will you be doing when you achieve it? What might someone observe?

Measurable: how will you know whether you are being successful? How will you chart your progress?

Achievable: is it too hard? Is it too easy? How can you ensure it is “just right”?

Relevant: how can you make this goal integrate to the rest of your life?

Time-bound: what target have you set? What milestones along the way will help you monitor progress?

Gaining Support

Who gives you energy? Who drains you?
who do you know will support you?
who is a critical friend?
who are your mentors?
who are your positive role models?
who helps you keep a sense of perspective?


Resilience Skills Further Reading

Burnett, D. (2016). The Idiot Brain. Guardian Books and Faber & Faber

Covey, S.R. (2004). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. FranklinCovey

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. London: HarperCollins Publishers

Eagleman, D. (2016). The Brain; the Story of You. Canongate Books

Grenville-Cleave, B. (2012). Positive Psychology. Icon books

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow.Penguin

Peters, S. (2012). The Chimp Paradox.Ebury Publishing Ltd

Rock, D. (2009). Your Brain at Work. New York; HarperCollins

Seligman, M. (1990). Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life. Free Press

Storr, P (2012). The Psychological Manager; Improve your Performance Conversations. Lulu Press

Storr, P (2017). The Psychological Manager; Change: increasing resilience through transition. Lulu Press

Storr, W. (2013). The Heretics; Adventures with the Enemies of Science. Picador

Webb, L. (2013). Resilience. Capstone

Wellford, C., & Sykes, J. (2015). Staying Sane in Business.Sixth Sense Publishing.

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